May 7, 2011

Lengthy To-Do List

Here is what is currently on my garden to-do list (in no particular order). Some of these tasks were completed a couple weeks ago (like #6, 7, and 8), some will happen this weekend (#1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 22, and 26, hopefully), and some I've been putting off for weeks (namely #19 and 30) .
  1. Start gourd, squash, cucumber, zucchini, and pumpkin seeds indoors
  2. Start fava beans indoors
  3. Sow peas outdoors
  4. Start mapping out garden and assigning bed space
  5. Trim hellebore
  6. Cut down ornamental grasses
  7. Clean up front flower bed
  8. Clean up flower bed on side-yard
  9. Get oval bed ready for fruit garden
  10. Sow more lettuce?
  11. Clean up Perennials on west side of house
  12. Start perennial divisions for farmer's market
  13. Buy new shop light to replace broken one?
  14. Transplant tomatoes
  15. Measure flower beds for irrigation system
  16. Mow grass around mailbox
  17. Tear down compost bins and distribute compost
  18. Transplant peach-colored bearded iris to sunnier location
  19. Clean out basement chicken area and add to compost bin
  20. Plant strawberries
  21. Order compost
  22. Start cat grass for farmer's market
  23. Transplant rosemary
  24. Start fertilizing vegetable seedlings
  25. Root out spider plant plantlets
  26. Plant blackberries
  27. Plant rhubarb
  28. Pot up some raspberry runners for parents
  29. Deliver vegetable seedlings to family
  30. Send in farmer's market application
  31. Fortify the chicken coop with additional netting over the ceiling
  32. Mow the lawn
  33. Pick up all the big sticks that fell in the yard and driveway over the winter
  34. Start hardening off brassicas
  35. Relocate all the perennials that were stashed in a vegetable bed last fall
  36. Mulch all flower beds
  37. Smother grass and then mulch the paths between vegetable beds (I'm sick of trying to mow through this labyrinth)
  38. Put up a shade cloth in the chicken run
  39. Lay out soaker hoses in front flower bed and mulch
  40. Plant onion sets
  41. Plant potatoes


  1. What a difference a sunny and productive day makes! I can now cross off #1, 2, 3, 4, 22, 26, 37, 39, and 40!

    Next up #27 and 35.

  2. And now I'm done with #12, 30 and 35! Hopefully tonight I'll get #27 and 41 done.


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