I've been the head grower for my graduate student organization for the last two years, which means I get to play around with hundreds of interesting plants each spring. Our organization has an ornamental grasses sale each year as a fundraiser. The money we raise is put towards thesis and dissertation completion scholarships, travel grants, invited seminar speakers, our annual graduate student research symposium, and other expenses.
We had a great potting party recently. In under an hour we potted up approximately 500 plants. In addition to the previous potting session, we now have almost 900 plants and 18 varieties.
A variety of grass plugs waiting to be potted. |
Isolepsis (foreground), Festuca (background) |
Carex 'Java Twist' (foreground), Pennisetum 'Rubrum (background) |
These are lovely. I am working on incorporating more ornamental grasses into my garden. I love the way they look, with a wonderful texture and feel, much different than other blooming plants.
ReplyDeleteI also love that they can usually be divided easily and shared with friends! A few of mine came from friends who had received them from friends.